On demand: Active fun at break and lunchtimes training for supervisors
Delivered at a time and date to suit your school:
A 2-hour practical course in your setting training supervisor staff to support physical activities & active fun for all pupils. Using PE storecupboard staples with imagination!
- Course type: Half day
- Audience: Midday and playground supervisors
On demand: Physically active learning workshop/staff meeting for primary settings.
Delivered at a time and date to suit your school:
A 60-90 minute practical workshop for primary teachers and support staff showcasing ways to embed physically active learning within the curriculum.
- Course type: Bespoke
- Audience: Primary teachers and support staff
On demand: Playground support session for primary settings in Leeds
Delivered at a time and date to suit your school:
A member of the Active Schools+ team will come into school to work with a selected group of 10 children over the course of a morning and lunchtime to explore some simple games which they can then lead on a daily basis.
- Course type: Half day
- Audience: Primary settings - pupil training session
On demand: Positive playtime practice: primary playground supervisor and pupil training.
Delivered at a time and date to suit your school:
Promote mental wellbeing for the whole school community by bringing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing into the school day at the most unstructured times of day and ensuring all children are included.
Positive Playtimes is a targeted intervention led by pupils and midday supervisors that transforms the daily wellbeing of everyone in the playground.
- Course type: Full day
- Audience: Primary schools; Midday supervisors; support staff and teachers.