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School meals & lunchtimes

Lunchtimes and school meals are central part of the school day and we work with schools to create a positive dining experience. Lunchtimes are pivotal to creating an ethos and culture towards good food. The take-up of school meals can be a direct indicator of the success of the whole lunchtime experience.

How can we help improve lunchtimes?

We can provide in-school lunchtime reviews for schools in Leeds and the surrounding areas. This will involve our nutritionist observing lunchtimes and the mealtime service through the eyes of the child, sampling the food on offer, reviewing menus and speaking to pupils, a range of staff, cooks and ideally parents. Following the visit, your school will receive a detailed report with strengths and recommendations, alongside an action plan.

We can also remotely work with schools anywhere in the UK and provide a range of tools to enable you to carry out your own lunchtime review.

We will continue to work with your school over a period of time, with the key goals of increasing take-up of school meals and making lunchtimes a happier and healthier place for both pupils and staff together.

Training for midday supervisors

We offer in-school training for your full team of midday supervisors and lunchtime staff, including catering. The training looks at key messages for healthy eating, improving behaviour, low cost no cost dining room improvements, lunchtime structures and service styles, how to encourage healthy choices, packed lunches and the school food standards.

Training can be delivered in your school if local to Leeds or as a virtual training course for schools further afield. We can also provide a train the trainer model for other authorities and professionals who wish to replicate this training in their local area.

To find out more or arrange training for your school, please contact