The free-to-download lessons – one for key stage 3 and one for key stage 4 – will inform young people of the consequences of carrying a knife and inspire them to pursue positive alternatives, using real life stories of young people’s experiences as a basis. Accompanying teacher guidance will help you plan the lessons into your PSHE curriculum safely and effectively. Included PowerPoint slides for each key stage will help you to deliver engaging and effective lessons.

Well-planned and delivered PSHE education provides an ideal context for this learning, as the subject develops knowledge and understanding of key concepts such as risk, identity and power, and skills relating to decision making and managing peer influence. These lessons are therefore best suited for delivery alongside topics exploring personal safety or gang crime.

The lessons aim to help students to:

  • Recognise and evaluate the risks of carrying a knife
  • Challenge common misconceptions about knife crime
  • Develop strategies to manage peer influence to carry a knife
  • Explore how young people can choose to live knife free and achieve their potential

PSHE Association Subject Specialist Jenny Fox says: “The #knifefree PSHE lessons are designed to challenge inaccurate perceptions about knife crime and help young people develop the confidence to resist pressure to carry knives. The lessons take an interactive approach using young people’s real life stories. Accompanying guidance will support teachers to introduce this topic using safe and effective practice.We encourage PSHE professionals and other staff to use these lessons to raise awareness of this important issue.”

Knife Free KS3 lesson plan