Why teach Personal, Social, Health, Economic (PSHE) Education?
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education helps children and young people develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need in order to be make safe and healthy decisions about their lives. Developing resilience, empathy, self-esteem and confidence are vital in order to face challenges and responsibilities now and in the future.
Our aim:
To support schools and settings to empower children and young people to be safe, active, healthy and resilient individuals.
What we offer:
We are an advisory and support service, based in Leeds, working with local schools and beyond. We deliver high quality professional development and offer bespoke support for schools and settings.
To find out more about the support we offer through our Service Level Agreements(SLAs) please see below:
SLAs for Leeds Schools - please note the costs of these SLA's are subsidised by Public Health.
External SLAs for Schools out of Leeds
All SLA's can be purchased through www.leedsforlearning.co.uk. A log in will be required for purchase.
Within this section of schoolwellbeing you will find free information and resources relating to the following:
- Families and people who care for me.
- Caring friendships.
- Respectful relationships.
- Online relationships.
- Being safe.
Relationships and Sex Education
- Families.
- Respectful relationships including friendships.
- Online and media.
- Being safe.
- Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health.
Primary and Secondary:
- Mental wellbeing.
- Internet safety and harms.
- Physical health and fitness.
- Healthy eating.
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
- Health and prevention.
- Basic first aid.
- Changing adolescent body.
Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing
Statutory Guidance
This is the DfE Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education Statutory Guidance. This document contains information on what schools should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools must comply when teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.